多層都市 「幕張市」 | Multi-Layered City Makuhari

The art project explores the structure of culture generation through the creation of the fictional city of "Makuhari City".


現実の都市の多くは、老朽化した社会インフラの管理や増大する社会福祉といった現状維持のために膨大なリソースを割かなくてはならず、ラディカルな変革の可能性や内面的な豊かさを失ってしまっているように見えます。それは現在の都市たちがある種の「進化の袋小路」に陥っているということなのかもしれません。「幕張市」は架空の存在にすぎませんが、そんな物理的・制度的な制約から解放された空間だからこそフォーカスできる、都市のプリミティブな機能があるのではないでしょうか? 特に次世代の価値観を育む「文化」は一種の社会インフラと捉えてしかるべきでしょう。「文化」とはいかなる機能や構造から生み出されるのか? 幕張市はそんな問いから、あらたな都市の在り方を探索し始めます。


そもそもにおいて"都市"というもの自体、わたしたちの社会性を象形した虚構にすぎないのではないでしょうか? そんなあいまいな"都市"とは一体なにものなのか? 我々になにをもたらしうるのか? "都市"をつくりながら「都市とはなにか?」を探求していきます。
Many people around Chiba City mistakenly believe that there is an administrative district called "Makuhari City" in the whole Kaihin-Makuhari area. This is an art project that utilizes such assumptions to create a fictional city, Makuhari City, from the bottom up.

Many real-world cities devote enormous resources to maintaining the status quo, such as managing aging social infrastructure and increasing social welfare. Hence, they seem to have lost the potential for radical change and inner richness. In other words, the current city may be trapped in an "evolutionary cul-de-sac" of sorts. "Makuhari City" is nothing more than a fictional existence, but isn't it the primitive functions of a city that can be focused on because it is a space freed from such physical and institutional constraints? In particular, "culture", which nurtures the values of the next generation, should be regarded as a kind of social infrastructure. What kind of functions and structures create "culture"? This is the starting point for Makuhari City's search for a new way of being a city.

"Makuhari City" will conduct a PoC to update the basic functions required for urban OS and alternative methods, such as testing new voting systems proposed around the world and seeking ways to increase online festivities. It will also include art exhibitions and art projects that ground Makuhari City, which wavers between people's perceptions, into the real world and question its reality.

Isn't the "city" itself nothing more than a fictionalized representation of our sociality? What exactly is such an ambiguous "city"? What does the "city" bring to us? While building the "city", we will explore "What is a city?"