現在は、茶の湯のアート集団「The TEA-ROOM」、雑誌「WIRED」、エンジニア集団「CARTIVATOR」、4Dファブリケーションラボ「田中浩也研究室」、シティサイエンスを専門とする研究室「MIT Media Lab City Science Group」とそれぞれ協働プロジェクトを実施し、40名ほどのアーティストや研究者、エンジニアとともに活動を行なっています。
急速な気候変動、様々なスケールにおける人口の激変、極端な富の偏在、テクノロジーの過剰な進化などによって、自然から人工に至るまで、地球上の環境は大変革の時を迎えています。一方で、わたしたちが暮らす都市は物理的・制度的に「進化の袋小路」に入り込んでしまっているのではないでしょうか?──「ありうる都市」というオルタナティヴの可能性や必要性をすぐには想像できないほどに── 画一化しつつある既存の都市から逸脱しようとするメタシティは、さながらサイバーパンクの金字塔『ニューロマンサー』に描かれた最新技術のるつぼ、チバ・シティの姿にも重なります。
現在は、茶の湯のアート集団「The TEA-ROOM」、雑誌「WIRED」、エンジニア集団「CARTIVATOR」、4Dファブリケーションラボ「田中浩也研究室」、シティサイエンスを専門とする研究室「MIT Media Lab City Science Group」とそれぞれ協働プロジェクトを実施し、40名ほどのアーティストや研究者、エンジニアとともに活動を行なっています。
急速な気候変動、様々なスケールにおける人口の激変、極端な富の偏在、テクノロジーの過剰な進化などによって、自然から人工に至るまで、地球上の環境は大変革の時を迎えています。一方で、わたしたちが暮らす都市は物理的・制度的に「進化の袋小路」に入り込んでしまっているのではないでしょうか?──「ありうる都市」というオルタナティヴの可能性や必要性をすぐには想像できないほどに── 画一化しつつある既存の都市から逸脱しようとするメタシティは、さながらサイバーパンクの金字塔『ニューロマンサー』に描かれた最新技術のるつぼ、チバ・シティの姿にも重なります。
METACITY is a research collective exploring forms of "possible city" through thought experiments and prototyping.
We see culture and the arts as a new urban infrastructure that will contribute to the inner richness of citizens, and we are working with stakeholders in various fields to explore the realization of this idea from multiple perspectives.
Currently, we are collaborating with the art group about tea ceremony "The TEA-ROOM," the magazine "WIRED," the engineering group "CARTIVATOR," the 4D fabrication lab "Hiroya Tanaka Lab," and the MIT Media Lab City Science Group, a laboratory specializing in city science. We are working with about 40 artists, researchers, and engineers on collaborative projects.
While using Chiba City as a base in the real world, our team has three main groups: the "Lab" group, which implements multiple projects throughout the year; the "Event" group, which plans art exhibitions and workshops for the purpose of disseminating information, presenting results, and educating the public; and the "Media" group, which disseminates the content of these activities.
Rapid climate change, drastic population changes on various scales, extreme wealth maldistribution, and excessive technological advances have brought about a period of significant environmental change on our planet. At the same time, the cities we live in have entered the physical and institutional "evolutionary dead ends" to the extent that we cannot immediately imagine the possibility or necessity of the "possible city" alternative. METACITY that attempts to deviate from existing cities becoming more and more uniform is what Chiba City, the latest technological melting pot depicted in the cyberpunk milestone "Neuromancer," looks like.
In the writing of "Neuromancer", the sky of Chiba City was described as "the color of a TV to match a dead channel." Now, is this an overcast day like a sandstorm? Or will it be sunny skies like the blue end-of-broadcast screens overseas? Or, if you're reading to a generation accustomed to the pitch-black screens of terrestrial waves, you might think of the night sky. As the technology and media around us change, the color of the sky in Chiba City will change. The ever-accelerating technology can easily and irreversibly change the global environment. We, too, in the real world, are choosing the color of the sky through our choice of technology!
What cyberpunk once demonstrated was the fusion of the organic and inorganic, i.e., the connection between the human brain nervous system and computer networks. However, as the limits of globalization have shown, the extended nervous system has lost its physical constraints and has been inundated with chaos to no end. Isn't it now time to reconnect it to the real space and create a new organic-inorganic circulatory system? In other words, it is a connection between the computer network and the ecological network. What if we design cities as Rhizomancer rather than Neuromancer? We believe that the cowboys who jack into the new cyberspace called "ecosystem" will be the citizens of the coming METACITY.
We see culture and the arts as a new urban infrastructure that will contribute to the inner richness of citizens, and we are working with stakeholders in various fields to explore the realization of this idea from multiple perspectives.
Currently, we are collaborating with the art group about tea ceremony "The TEA-ROOM," the magazine "WIRED," the engineering group "CARTIVATOR," the 4D fabrication lab "Hiroya Tanaka Lab," and the MIT Media Lab City Science Group, a laboratory specializing in city science. We are working with about 40 artists, researchers, and engineers on collaborative projects.
While using Chiba City as a base in the real world, our team has three main groups: the "Lab" group, which implements multiple projects throughout the year; the "Event" group, which plans art exhibitions and workshops for the purpose of disseminating information, presenting results, and educating the public; and the "Media" group, which disseminates the content of these activities.
Rapid climate change, drastic population changes on various scales, extreme wealth maldistribution, and excessive technological advances have brought about a period of significant environmental change on our planet. At the same time, the cities we live in have entered the physical and institutional "evolutionary dead ends" to the extent that we cannot immediately imagine the possibility or necessity of the "possible city" alternative. METACITY that attempts to deviate from existing cities becoming more and more uniform is what Chiba City, the latest technological melting pot depicted in the cyberpunk milestone "Neuromancer," looks like.
In the writing of "Neuromancer", the sky of Chiba City was described as "the color of a TV to match a dead channel." Now, is this an overcast day like a sandstorm? Or will it be sunny skies like the blue end-of-broadcast screens overseas? Or, if you're reading to a generation accustomed to the pitch-black screens of terrestrial waves, you might think of the night sky. As the technology and media around us change, the color of the sky in Chiba City will change. The ever-accelerating technology can easily and irreversibly change the global environment. We, too, in the real world, are choosing the color of the sky through our choice of technology!
What cyberpunk once demonstrated was the fusion of the organic and inorganic, i.e., the connection between the human brain nervous system and computer networks. However, as the limits of globalization have shown, the extended nervous system has lost its physical constraints and has been inundated with chaos to no end. Isn't it now time to reconnect it to the real space and create a new organic-inorganic circulatory system? In other words, it is a connection between the computer network and the ecological network. What if we design cities as Rhizomancer rather than Neuromancer? We believe that the cowboys who jack into the new cyberspace called "ecosystem" will be the citizens of the coming METACITY.